Wednesday, April 18, 2007


He has arrived! His name is Wyatt Jack Johnson and he weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. and was 20 1/2" long. Labor and delivery was VERY quick! It was all done in an hour and a half! Louis had come home from work and woke me up around 1 am on Friday the 13th and we were talking for a bit when I shifted my weight and we both heard this 'pop' sound. I thought Wyatt had punched me because I felt it in my lower abnomen. But soon after contractions started and the bed was getting pretty wet, so we got the kids up and dressed and dropped Zach off with Great Grandma and Grandpa (Caisha witnessedWyatt's birth first hand!) and sped to the hospital in Ames. Louis had called ahead to let the hospital know we were coming and also called the dispatch center where he works to let them know what route we were taking in case the police saw us speeding through town. We hit almost every red light, but only slowed down. My contractions were less than a minute apart at this point. We got to the hospital around 2:30am where they wheeled me up to my room and at that point I started pushing. Of course, the nurse kept telling me not to push since she hadn't checked me yet to see how dilated I was. Once I got onto the bed she checked and I was at 7cm, so, of course, they told me not to push! I told them "I"m not pushing; my body is!" Three more pushes and Wyatt's head was out. That was a short relief for me, and then the Dr. said I needed to push one more time and Wyatt was welcomed into this world at 3:03am! I will fill you in on more baby news another time as I am off once again!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pregnancy Dr. Appointment Update

I just wanted to update everybody on how things are going with the pregnancy. I had a Dr. appointment today. I am 3cm dilated and about 85% effaced, so I don't think the baby will be here on my due date which is tomorrow (Friday the 13th!) but it is possible that there might be a baby by Monday! The weather is suppose to warm up by this weekend, so I will get the opportunity to get out and get moving! Yeah!! The kids have soccer games Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon, so I will be driving back and forth for those this weekend.
As a side note, as of right now, we are thinking of having the baptism on June 3rd, so if you are immediate family, please keep that date in mind! We would love to have everybody attend!
As always, I will keep you posted on the newest developments as they happen!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dr. Appt.

Well, I don't have much to report. Not much has changed. I am still about 80% effaced but now about 2 cm dilated. I also lost 1 pound. I suppose if the baby decides to wait until after my due date of the 13th, it won't be so bad if I start losing a pound a week instead of gaining a pound a week! I still have my fingers crossed that there will be a baby before the 13th. I'll keep you posted!