Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Baby will be here soon!

I had a Dr.'s appointment today. So far I have gained a total of 31 pounds, which my Dr. is very pleased with. At this time I am about 1 1/2 cm dialated and about 70% effaced. Dr. Lines says nothing will happen within the next week, but it is very possible after that. We will have a better idea after my appointment on the 28th. I am hoping the baby will be born the first week in April (not April Fool's Day!) Dr. Lines says that once I do go into labor she fully expects me to go fairly quickly as everything is very soft and it shouldn't take much to dialate all the way. I liked to hear that! Today I am feeling pretty good. I slept pretty well last night after Louis snuggled with me for awhile. Monday night I didn't sleep much at all. My whole body ached! Both Monday and Tuesday were hard days for me. I am pretty sure it was because the baby was dropping further into position. I think it was hitting some nerves into my legs and putting a lot of pressure on my pelvis area. I woke up this morning and was actually able to lay on my back for a little while! It felt great to be able to stretch that way!! I am getting very excited for the arrival, but I am content to wait until the first week of April. Hopefully it won't be too much later than that if it doesn't happen then.

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