Thursday, November 15, 2007

Prayers Needed!

My mom told me some very sad, devastating news yesterday and I would like to enlist your help. Her sister, Sharlet, has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. They believe it started as cervical cancer and has since moved to her utereus, lymph nodes and possibly her lungs. The doctors have told her that none of the options will extend her life, so she has opted not to undergo any surgery or chemo/radiation. She (Sharlet) wants to enjoy what time she has left as well as she can. She is currently taking medicine for the pain and taking herbal supplements to help her body fight as much as it can. She needs your prayers, as well as her family. Her husband, John, is having a hard time, so please pray for him so that he can be there for Sharlet. They also have 3 children and a couple grandchildren. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they go through this. And lastly, please pray for my mom! I can't imagine how I would feel if one of my sisters called me and told me they had terminal cancer and did not know how long they had left with us! As far as I know, this will be the 3rd person that my mom has lost to cancer that she has been real close to. She lost her mother to lung cancer when I was about 7 years old and one of her best friends to breast cancer while I was in high school. I am sure she would appreciate your comforting words and support.
We love you, Sharlet!

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