Shortly after I got the flooring down, I moved the sink cabinet over 9" so I can add another cabinet next to it. This will give me room on the left side of the sink, finally! Anyway, as I was moving the cabinet, the drainage pipes were being moved as well. I wasn't planning on replacing any of the drainage pipes, but I found myself duct taping joints together so they would stay together. As you can imagine, I had problems with leaks. So, not only did the drainage pipes leak but the hose to the cold water faucet was too short, so it was leaking! I had to get an extension hose for that and while I was at it, I picked up all new PVC piping for the drainage system. I had the guy at Lowe's put it together for me, so I knew for sure that it was put together properly. I have found that I don't have much luck with plumbing stuff, so I wasn't going to take any chances!! And would you believe, it all fits nice and neatly and doesn't leak at all!!! I would like to redo my bathroom upstairs, but I have problems just doing the little plumbing things...I can't imagine what a fiasco it would be to tackle a whole bathroom! I am hoping that we will be able to afford to have Tim Miner come out again and do the bathroom plumbing stuff. He is the contractor that put in our new doors and did such a beautiful job on replicating the existing molding. That is probably down the road a bit since money is so tight right now.

I am hoping to get a portion of a privacy fence put up between us the the neighbors to the north. They have 4 dogs in a chain link kennel area in their backyard, that happens to be our side yard. Anyway, they are a little more "country" than I am, I suppose because they also store their hunting boat in this area. I don't like looking at this eye sore, so I want to block the view. It would also keep Bronx from barking at them when they go into their backyard (our side yard). He just doesn't think they should be there. I also, wanted to seperate Wyatt's sandbox area from the view of the neighbor's dogs, as one of them always growls at him.
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