Thursday, September 07, 2006

Morning Sickness

Well, morning sickness has settled in and it just got a little worse this morning! For the past 3 weeks I have been just naseaus and as long as I was munching on something all day, I could make it through the day. I usually started to feel better around 2pm. This morning, on the other hand, I got to work and I didn't even have time to turn on my computer before I had to run to the bathroom! Yesterday morning I almost didn't make it to work and had to stop at the park next to the kids schools just in case I did throw-up. I never did, but I had the "taste" in my mouth for a little bit and then that passed. There was no door-to-door service for the kids yesterday. I thought I was doing ok this morning, but it snuck up on me real quick! I thought I would do the same as yesterday and the feeling would pass, but no such luck today! I had called my doctor and her nurse told me to try taking Vitamin B6 three times a day at 10mg a dose. I couldn't find anyplace that sells B6 in 10mg doses. You can get it in 50mg, 100mg, and 200mg. I looked online and the dieticians sites say not to exceed 100mg a day. In Europe they only recommend up to 25mg a day! I guess I need to do a litttle research on where I can get 10mg dosage pills. I'd really hate to have to miss work because of morning sickness, especially since I just started back full-time the 1st of August! I also really need the paycheck! If any one has any suggestions on how to combat morning sickness I would appreciate your input!


Anonymous said...

For Nausea during first trimester only try "Doxylamine" (e.g. Unisom) (1/2 tablet up to every 6 hours). Can combine with Vitamin B6.
Or try Ginger (ginger ale) or Suckers.

Anonymous said...

"Pregnancy- related nausea : Doses of 10-25mg every 8 hours have been used...."