Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I didn't get much sleep last night. Around 11:20pm two girls (age 16) crashed into the funeral home across the street from my house. I was almost asleep when I heard the crash and shortly after the sirens of police cars and EMT's. I couldn't see clearly from my window so I couldn't see what kind of car it was. Louis is usually coming home at this time, so I was so afraid it could be him in that crumpled car! I threw on some clothes quick and ran outside to find out it was the two girls. It was a relief to know it wasn't Louis, but heartbreaking to watch the rescue crew try to pry the driver out of her car, which was flipped over. Luckily both girls had been wearing seatbelts, but the driver was unresponsive. I don't have any more details on the condition of the girls, but I am sure it will be in the news. From the markings that the police made, it looks like the girls were headed west bound on 7th Street and veered off the road and hit the funeral home, taking out the two front pillars, the flag pole and part of the west end of the building, coming to rest upside down next to the stone sign on the corner of 7th and Carroll. I hope both girls recover and my prayers go out to the families of these girls.

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